The Difference Between Diode Laser And IPL Hair Removal

IPL Hair Removal Introduction
IPL (intense pulsed light) technology is technically not a laser treatment. IPL uses a broad spectrum of light with many wavelengths meaning it leads to unfocused energy around the hair and skin area. As a result there is much wastage of energy and less selective absorption in the follicle resulting in less effective destruction of the hair. IPLs are typically only suitable for lighter skin types for the most part.

Diode Laser Hair Removal Introduction
The key to successful diode laser hair removal is the deliverance of high energy into the skin. The energy is selectively absorbed by the melanin surrounding the hair follicle whilst not impacting the surrounding tissue.

Choosing Diode Laser Hair Removal or IPL Hair Removal?
Diode laser hair removal is all about delivering the most effective technology that gives high client satisfaction and the most ROI for your business. However not all diode lasers are created equal so it’s important to understand critical factors that deliver on this.

Please contact us for the most effective diode laser hair removal machines, we are the real factory in Beijing China. Our sales manager will supply the most professional suggestions and guidance. 

