Stop Wasting Your Time And Try Alexandrite Laser For Hair Removal

Do you know that shaving is ranked as the no.1 most hated beauty ritual?

The average woman spends approximately 1,728hours shaving her legs over the course of a lifetime-that amounts to 72 days spent shaving alone.

Stop wasting your time & try Alexandrite Laser Hair Removal. You will see immediate results after your first.

1) The alexandrite laser--It is considered to be the most effective laser for all hair and skin types, as lasers do not affect deeper skin types like other lasers. Like all other lasers, it is best suited for white and very light skin and has proven to be most effective for the finer and finer hair that many other types of lasers cannot eliminate.

2) ALEXANDRITE is one of the only lasers used to treat hirsutism, also known as "Ambras Syndrome"

3) In addition, this beauty laser has a variety of laser spot sizes (1.5, 3, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 18mm) with repeat rates up to 2Hz, ergonomic handles to reduce wrist fatigue and operator discomfort sense. Intuitive touch screen for preset English and optimal efficiency

4) The integrated Dynamic Cooling Device (DCD) cools the upper layer by spraying the coolant to further protect the patient's skin, which reduces downtime and provides a more comfortable experience.
